Ann Downey and Mary Gick of Ottawa, and Ruth Rappaport and Mark Wholley from Boston, will lead us off with some songs about moving on and reaching new heights. Please bring some songs you would like to share.

Mark Wholley is from the Boston area. He has played fiddle and guitar with the Dixie Butterhounds, The Hoot Owls, and other various ad hoc old time and Cajun bands. He has taught at some occasional singing and guitar workshops but mostly just loves to sing and play wherever there’s a jam.

Ann Downey is a longtime Black Creek and Old Songs attendee, on her own and with Finest Kind. She loves to pile in and sing with most anything going, and has sung, yodeled, and played banjo, bass, and guitar all the way from her native southwest to Ottawa, Ontario, and sometimes even gets paid for it.

Ruth Rappaport has been playing traditional music all of her adult life. A singer, guitar player, and pianist, she has performed with The Poodles and The Hoot Owls; with her son, Ben Wetherbee; and anyone else who wants strong backup and good songs. She lives in the Boston area.
Mary Gick was a teen-aged, finger-picking guitar player in a folk music cover duo in suburban Montreal when she first fell in love with clawhammer banjo at Mariposa Folk Festival. Currently living in Ottawa, she enjoys playing string band music with friends and has attended Black Creek off and on since its beginning.